Is It Really Possible To Reverse Gum Disease?

It's discoloration of your gums, loose teeth, and sometimes even tender and swollen areas–gum disease can be a burdensome and worrisome problem to have but is it permanent? Most people assume that when their dentist diagnoses them with some type of gum disease that they are stuck with it for life, but that is not always the case. In fact, there are some things you may be able to do that can begin reversing the appearance of gum disease in your mouth. Here is a closer look at what you need to know about the reversal of gum disease

Reversing gum disease can have a lot to do with how early the problem is caught. 

There are all kinds of good reasons why you should be getting regular oral exams and cleanings with your dentist. One of those reasons is that your dentist can spot signs of gum disease long before you realize that there is a problem. One of the keys to reversing the onset of gum disease is to catch it early enough that it has not already caused a lot of damage to the soft tissue of your mouth. Therefore, the sooner the problem is caught by a professional, the higher the likelihood of being able to actually fix the problem. 

Reversing gum disease has a lot to do with avoiding the risks. 

Gum disease can be a common symptom of certain health conditions, such as diabetes and even age. However, gum disease is just as much relative to other risk factors that you do have some control over. A few things you should be avoided if you have been diagnosed with gum disease and want to reverse the problem include:

  • Smoking or smokeless tobacco usage
  • Skipping oral hygiene visits
  • Not brushing and flossing regularly 
  • Sugary and acidic foods 

Reversing gum disease involves paying close attention to water intake. 

Did you know that people who do not drink enough water often do not produce enough saliva, and, therefore, they are at a greater risk for gum disease? If you have been diagnosed as being in the early stages of gingivitis or another gum disease, your water intake will become incredibly important. Pay attention to when your mouth feels dry and drink enough water to keep the tongue moist and saliva flowing. You can also stimulate more saliva production by chewing sugarless gum if you still have an issue even when you drink a lot of water. 
