Safely Using CBD Oil to Treat Anxiety

With marijuana being more in the news helping with anxiety and other mental disorders, you can now look at alternatives to prescription medication. Marijuana is not legal in every state, nor is THC. However, Cannabidiol (CBD) is a legal chemical found in the same plants. Unlike THC and marijuana, CBD does not carry the high or intoxication so it is safe to use. Before you decide if CBD is an option for you, know how it works, how to use it, and how to buy it.

How Does CBD Work?

CBD is an oil that can interact with your nervous system and seems to alter the serotonin levels in your body. This will make CBD work in similar fashions as anti-anxiety medications that contain SSRIs, such as Prozac or Zoloft. This makes it important to not take CBD oil with your medication and talk to your doctor about it being a possible solution to generalized anxiety, insomnia, social anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

How Do You Take CBD Oil?

The dosage of CBD will vary on each person. If you use it for anxiety before tests, long trips, or other short-term relief, a specific dose of oil under the tongue an hour before the event can usually help reduce the anxiety immensely. However, if you want to substitute CBD for your anti-anxiety prescription, be sure to talk to your doctor about weaning you off your current medication and proper dosing of CBD oil.

What Are the Side Effects of CBD Oil?

While many believe there are no side effects or risks with CBD oil, there have been a few noticed. You may notice an increase in hunger and thirst, but you might also notice that you are more fatigued. Take CBD oil a few times before driving to make sure it will not affect your reflexes or hamper your safety in any way. CBD oil may also interact with your other prescriptions, so talk to your doctor before starting it.

How Do You Shop for CBD Oil?

When you purchase CBD oil for medicinal purposes, that know the quality of the product. If you take the oil to help you relax in the evening, purchasing at any CBD oil shop may be enough. However, for medicinal purposes, you will likely want to purchase the oil from a pharmacy that specializes in CBD, THC, and marijuana.

As this alternative and herbal remedy continues to be researched, more places will become receptive to its benefits. Until then, do research and purchase from well-known vendors to ensure the quality of the oil you are purchasing.
